Whatever your future plans, we will enable you to achieve this by ensuring you have the right financial path.
With state pension age increasing and many not saving enough, for many this means that they will have to work longer, reduce expectations of retirement or save more.
By saving into a pension you’ll get tax relief on those contributions, so instead of this being paid in tax to the government, you’ll keep it in your pension. With Pension Freedoms, it’s more flexible and easier than ever to save for the future.
You may also have existing pensions from previous employments, and it may be worthwhile reviewing these to ensure they are in the right place and importantly on track to support you and your future goals.
Pension Transfers
Whether you have one or several UK pensions from previous employment, we can amalgamate these into one manageable pot in the Isle of Man so you can draw you income.
If you’re intending to remain in the Isle of Man during retirement, moving your pension to an Isle of Man scheme may be beneficial for you. This is because the IOM offers more beneficial options such as higher tax-free cash on some pensions. To benefit from this advantage you need to transfer your pension in plenty of time before taking the benefits, so please contact us to find out more.
By moving your assets to a SIPP and avoiding compulsive annuity purchase, this can mean the remaining asset are passed to your loved one rather than losing the benefits to the insurance company. Again this isn’t right for everyone so it’s important to disucss your situation with a financial professional like us.
With variety of underlying investment solutions, you can be confident of making your assets work for you and your goals.
Rest assured, as independent advisers we have a suite of solutions that will work for your future requirements.
Specific ‘life-styled’ funds that automatically reduce risk over time as you approach retirement - simple.
Lower cost passive managed funds
Decumulation strategies maximising your assets so they last longer
ESG / Green solutions
We have access to the whole of market so if there is a specific strategy you want, please talk to us.
Personal Pensions
Straightforward pension solutions enabling you to save for the future from £100 per month so it couldn’t be easier. Take control of your future and start saving today.
We can establish new pensions for you or individual personal pensions for your company. Once we have reviewed your situation, it’s simple and we will set this up through an Isle of Man pension provider.
Start with the end in mind. We will discuss what lifestyle you want in the future and calculate what you will need to save regularly to achieve this. It doesn’t stop there though and we will continue to review this with you to ensure you stay on track.
You will receive tax relief on contribution amounts up to £50,000 of your relevant earnings.
The IOM government introduced the PFS in 2018 to provide more flexibility for pensions. Whilst everyone circumstance differs, new pension arrangements normally benefit through this scheme.
Age you can take benefits: 55
Tax free cash : 40%
Tax on death: None
Transfers charge for non-pfs pensions into scheme: 10%
Full pension encashment: Yes
Whilst pensions are always marketed differently, usually the other pensions offered are covered through the 1989 legislation which differs as below. These are typically used for pension transfers but again everyone’s circumstances vary and there may be benefits to either scheme.
Age you can take benefits: 50 *
Tax free cash : 30% *
Tax on death: 7.5%
Transfers charge into scheme: 0%
Full pension encashment: No
*UK contributions may reduce these. Contact us to check.